Corn & Callus Foot Care
Corns and callus are one of the most common problems seen by Podiatrists!
What are Corns / Callus?
A corn or callus are areas of thickened skin that occur in areas of pressure. They are actually a normal and natural way for the body to protect itself. For example, callus develops on the hand when chopping a lot of wood – it’s a normal way for the skin to protect itself. In the foot, the skin will thicken up to protect itself when there are areas of high pressure. The problem occurs when the pressure continues, so the skin gets thicker. It eventually becomes painful to walk.
How to Know if You Have a Corn or Callus
They can occur on any part of the foot and vary in symptoms from a mild callus under the foot, to an infected ulcer that can develop under a corn on a toe.

Do I need to worry about corns and callus?
Pathologically they are all the same – the skin has thickened in response to pressure. A callus generally refers to a more diffuse thickening of the skin (more common on the toes, but can occur under the ball of the foot) whereas a corn is a thicker more focal area (more common on the toes). A corn can occur under and be surrounded by callus.

What is the True Cause of a Corn or Callus?
Corns and callus are caused by one thing – TOO MUCH PRESSURE, usually in combination with some friction. There is no other way to get them. The pressure stimulates the skin to thicken to protect itself, but as the stimulation of the pressure continues, it becomes painful. Too much pressure can be from footwear that is too tight, or toe deformities, such as hammer toes. The top of the hammer toe is an area for increased pressure on the top of the toe bony prominence
Take these symptoms seriously and see a podiatrist right away. The faster you seek treatment for your corns and callus, the better your healing process will be.
Your Podiatrist is Your Partner in Treating Your Corns & Callus
Self-treatment or management of corns and callus includes following the advice of a Podiatrist, proper fitting of footwear, and proper foot hygiene and the use of emollients to keep the skin in good condition.
Treatment Options for Corns & Callus
Corns and callus that are not treated will become painful. They will not come off right on their own unless the pressure that caused them is taken away. If it is not, the skin will continue to thicken and become more painful. After a while, the body will start treating it as a foreign body and an ulcer can develop. This can get infected and the infection can spread. Infection of corns on the toe is more common than a callus. Calluses or corns usually do not need treatment unless they cause pain.
The Do's & Don'ts of Corns & Callus Care

Surgical Treatment Options for Corn & Callus
Surgery is rarely used to remove the corns or calluses. But if an underlying bone structure (such as a hammertoe or bunion) is causing a callus or corn, surgery can be used to change or correct the bone structure to alleviate the pressure. This is used only if another treatment has failed.
3 Convenient Locations
4 Glyndon Drive, Suite 2A
Reisterstown, MD 21136
7600 Osler Drive, Suite 105
Towson, MD 21204
Baltimore- Rotunda
711 W. 40th Street, Suite 321
Baltimore, 21211
Contact the Family Podiatry of Maryland Team
Interested in booking at one of our three convenient locations? Feel free to send us a message so we can reach out to you as soon as possible! We're here to help with all your foot and ankle needs.